2024.08.12 (월)

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기상청 제공


Remarks by President Obama and President Lee Myung-bak in Joint Press Conference

Blue House

PRESIDENT LEE:  (As interpreted.)  I apologize for running a little late, ladies and gentlemen. 

Mr. President, distinguished members of the press, it's good to see my good friend again.  The last time we met was four months ago.  Welcome to Korea, Mr. President. 

And I wish to thank you, Mr. President, for taking time to visit the DMZ early this morning, soon after your arrival in Seoul.  Mr. President, I'm sure it was a chance to witness firsthand the reality of division that has been a part of Korea for such a long time.  And I gather you had a good time meeting with the members of the armed forces from both Korea and the United States.  And thank you for the encouragement that you gave these men and women in uniform.

Today, ladies and gentlemen, we had a very useful and constructive discussion on a wide array of issues from North Korea's nuclear and missile development and including other security issues, and also how to promote bilateral trade between our two countries, and of course, other topics of mutual interest.

And we talked about the security situation in the region and the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and agreed to continue working closely together in implementing our North Korea policy. Both countries agreed that North Korea's announcement to test-fire its long-range missile is a violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions, not to mention the latest agreement between the U.S. and North Korea.  Therefore President Obama and I both agreed that North Korea must immediately repeal its decision and abide by its international obligations. 

President Obama and I agreed that we will continue to enhance and strengthen our combined defense capabilities, and at the same time, firmly respond to any threats or provocations from the North.  If North Korea gives up its pursuit of nuclear weapons and missile development, and instead chooses a path towards peace and cooperation, our two countries will work together, along with the international community, to help improve the lives of the people in North Korea and provide necessary assistance that will help North Korea open up a new era.

And we reaffirmed the value and importance of our enduring alliance and discussed a future vision of our partnership. Following the adoption of the future vision of the alliance, which was adopted in June 2009, our alliance is evolving into a truly global partnership where we are working shoulder to shoulder to resolve global challenges.

Furthermore, we reviewed the progress being made in our alliance, a chance to transfer of OPCON two-plus-two security consultations, and agree that we will strengthen our deterrence capabilities through enhanced policy coordination, and strive towards a future-oriented alliance. 

Ladies and gentlemen, we will also work together so that the KORUS FTA that came into effect last March 15th will fulfill its goal, that is creating jobs for our workers, expand trade and investments, and overall improve the lives of our peoples.  And accordingly, in order to ensure the faithful implementation of the KORUS FTA, we will establish a ministerial-level joint committee, as previously agreed, and check upon the progress.

President Obama and I also exchanged views on the state of the global economy and shared our concern regarding the uncertainties that still remain.  In particular, we share the concern that rising oil prices is an obstacle to speedy recovery of the global economy, and agree that international cooperation needed to be further strengthened to bring about stability in the world oil market.

And of course we also talked about regional issues -- issues in the Middle East, Afghanistan, and other issues, including Iran, and how we can strengthen international cooperation to bring about a resolution to these issues.

I welcome President Obama once again on his visit.  The Nuclear Security Summit was President Obama’s initiative born out of his vision to leave behind a safer, more prosperous world for the future generation.  And we will continue to strive together to achieve a world without nuclear weapons.  I thank him and his team for all the help in ensuring a successful Nuclear Security Summit meeting.

Thank you.

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, good evening, everyone.  Thank you to my good friend and partner, President Lee, for your very kind words.  And thank you, to the people of Korea, for your gracious welcome.  This is my third visit to the Republic of Korea as President.  It is wonderful to be back.  And once again, I’m grateful for the hospitality. 

This visit reflects the extraordinary friendship between our two people.  My wife and I were proud to help strengthen those ties when we had the honor of hosting President Lee and First Lady Kim for a state visit at the White House last fall.  And during that visit I learned a Korean word that I believe captures the deep affection between our people -- jeong.  And I feel that spirit again today.

My visits to Korea reflect the leadership role that South Korea is playing in this region and around the world -- a "Global Korea.”  I was last here for the G20, which was a success under President Lee’s leadership.  Now we’re back, along with more than 50 world leaders, for the second Nuclear Security Summit. 

In fact, just today we saw another important step forward.  We learned that Ukraine completed the removal of highly enriched uranium from its territory.  This fulfills a commitment Ukraine made at our last Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, and I believe it’s a preview of the kind of progress we’re going to see over the next two days in confronting one of the most urgent challenges of global security -- securing the world’s nuclear weapons and preventing nuclear terrorism.

My visit to Korea also reflects the enduring strength of our alliance.  My last visit to Seoul came as we marked both the 60th anniversary of the Korean War and Veterans Day.  And today I traveled, as President Lee mentioned, to the DMZ to thank our men and women in uniform, American and Korean, who serve shoulder to shoulder.  They’re the reason that we can stand here free today, and prosperous here today.  And we salute them all.

My visit to Korea reflects the fact that the United States is leading again in the Asia Pacific -- a region that will affect American security and prosperity in the 21st century like no other.  As I declared in Australia last year, the United State as a Pacific nation will play a larger and long-term role in shaping this region and its future.  And the cornerstone of our efforts is our strong alliances, including our alliance with the Republic of Korea. 

This is the context for our meeting today.  And as President Lee indicated, we had a very good discussion on a wide range of issues.  We reviewed our ongoing efforts to modernize our security alliance.  We agreed to have our foreign and defense ministers meet in June to discuss concrete measures we can take to continue strengthening that alliance.  We’re on track for South Korea to assume operational control for the alliance in 2015. 

I reaffirmed, as I said in Australia, that reductions in U.S. defense spending will not come at the expense of the Asia Pacific -- and that includes South Korea.  America’s armed forces are going to stay ready for the full range of contingencies and threats.  And the alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea remains unshakable.

금융감독원 은 뭐하는곳인지 아리송하다
금융 감독원이 생긴지 수십년이 지났지만 현재 취재진이 볼때는 별정직 이아닌가 하고 의문이 간다 왜 금융감독원이 생긴지를 의문이간다 예컨대 본지로 제보가 오는것은 대부분 손해보험업무가 대부분이고 생명보험역시 손해부분이 대부분이다. 금감원의 일부직원의 무성의한 업무처리와 금감원의 감찰담당역시 직무에 대한 감찰은 없다고 한다 이에따라 "국민신문고"를 통해 민원을 제기하지만 대부분 연락이 되질않고 그나마 보험의 지식이 의문이갈정도로 보험업계에 끌려가는 기분이든다 한마디로 보험업계의 대변이이 된 기분이다 아울러 보험업계를 감독하는 기관이 아니고 보험업계의 불만을 커버해주는 역할을하므로서 독자들의 불만이 발생한다 이에대해 보험에대한 기본약관을 설명하는 것은 금융감독원의 업무가 아니고 보험사의 업무를 금융감독원에서 대신 설명을 하고있어서 고객의 빈축을 사고있다. 최근에는 코로나의 핀계로 재택근무를 하고있다는 핑계로 전화통화도 어려운 상황이고 국민신문고 에민원을 제기해도 답변도 무시하는 경향이 이르고있어서 문제가 되곤하지만 대책은 없는 상태다 최소한의 기본적인 법률지식과 행정지식은 갖추고 금융감독업무를 해야 된다고 본다 본지취재진이 11월 9일 금융감독원 생명보험 담당과의

우리아이 ‘쑥쑥’ 가족사랑도 ‘듬뿍’‥대규모 가족행사 성료
(교통문화신문) 다양한 체험활동을 통해 가족 사랑을 확인하는 대규모 가족지원 행사 ‘얘들아! 놀자’가 지난 13일 경기도청 북부청사 운동장에서 성황리에 개최됐다. 14일 경기도에 따르면, 이번 행사는 영유아 자녀와 부모가 함께하는 가족친화 행사를 통해 가정양육을 지원하고자, 경기도의 지원으로 경기도북부육아종합지원센터가 주최했다. 이날 행사에는 놀이기구, 체험활동 등 다양한 주제의 크고 작은 부스 20여 곳이 마련된 가운데 경기북부 10개 시군에 거주하는 영유아 및 부모 500여 가정 총 1,000여명이 참여해 다양한 체험활동을 즐겼다. 참가 가족들은 기차, 에어바운스, 다람쥐롤 등 행사장에 마련된 각종 놀이·운동기구를 탑승하며 즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있었다. 아울러 영유아가 좋아하는 캐릭터를 활용한 ‘콩순이 율동교실’이 진행돼 좋은 반응을 얻었다. 이 밖에도 의정부보건소, 북부스마트쉼센터, 의정부시Ⅱ어린이급식관리지원센터, 경기북부청소년성문화센터 등 각종 지역 연계기관이 참여, 유아빈혈검사, 영유아 스마트폰 과의존 부모상담, 영유아 식습관 교육, 가족성교육 등 양육 정보제공 및 체험 부스를 마련해 부모들에게도 유익한 시간이 됐다. 특히 이날 행사장에