The living pualities of JeonBukDo people is to grade up according to establish of "Small Cinema at a city & county around JeonBuk-Do.
On 24 day, JeonBuk-Do has cone the MOU(memorial of understanding) to support to construct of "small cinema" out of taking part of 8 mayors & bosses of a county , KimJe, BooAhn, SoonChang, JeonBuk provincial office.
On the agrement ceremony, The guests have agreeded on the mnagement 2 cine-rooms included 50seats with main space by using the public places standed before which is located at the city 7 a districts.
Especially The bank of JeonBuk is going to support the connected goods & movie instruments values 100 million for the business to establist of small cinemas.
JeonBuk-Do will plan to construct the last 2 small cinemas through the business planning papers which is presented and by inspection of real post in the middle of next month in the part of KimJe, WanJoo, JinAhn,ImSil requested the small cinema & the other side connected businesses.
The other 6 post will finish about the cinema constructing till next year .
JeonBuk-Do is going to expect a small helping to grade up the living values through the cinemas establishing business so soon in a side of cultural gaining of the neglected people of cities & counties area .